Projects and Initiatives

Transportation Improvement Program (2021-2024)2023-09-28T12:06:01-07:00

2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a fiscally constrained financial program of transportation projects identified to receive federal funding over the next four years.  The document also lists regionally significant projects, regardless if federal funds are programmed to be utilized or not.  Projects in the TIP are transportation priorities for the region and include transit, roadway and highway, bicycle and pedestrian, rehabilitation, transportation operations projects, and some planning studies.

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Southern Nevada.  In this capacity, the RTC must develop the TIP in collaboration with local governments, transit and transportation agencies, and the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT). The RTC must also notify and engage the public in the TIP development and amendment process according to the Public Participation Plan

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The RTC Board of Commissioner adopted the TIP on February 9, 2017.  The TIP was submitted to the Nevada Department of Transportation for inclusion in the Statewide TIP and federal approval.  The US Department of Transportation (US DOT) approved the 2019-2022 TIP on February 22, 2017, replacing the previous 2015-2019 TIP. The TIP is a programming document and require update at the end of the federal fiscal year to obligate transportation improvement funds. Since its adoption on February 9, 2017 the TIP has been updated several time. The current RTCSNV 2021-2024 TIP was approved by USDOT on September 24, 2020

During the development of Access2040, the RTC categorized funding in the first four years as the High-Priority Program to facilitate understanding of which strategies the RTC and local agencies are targeting for the most immediate planning period.  The four Access2040 Primary Strategies closely link the regional transportation vision to projects that are included in the High-Priority Program list, also called the Transportation Improvement Program.

In October 2015, the Nevada Department of Transportation formally activated electronic statewide transportation Improvement Program (eSTIP). RTC’s TIP projects are included in that database. For up to date information on all TIP projects, please use the estip public site

The TIP is required to be updated at least every four years, however, changes in project implementation schedule, funding, or description require Administrative Modification and/or Amendment to the TIP.  Below are lists of Amendments and Administrative Modifications made to the TIP, following their approval by the U.S. Department of Transportation:

The following documents are provided as a resource, and help identify candidate projects for inclusion into the TIP, and provide information on project selection processes:

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