Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Overview
Our budget shows how we manage our community’s public transportation, roadways and infrastructure spending. Our online fiscal year budget information is a means to share the costs of public transportation, services, and roadway funding.
There will be fiscal years where the funding uses will exceed the funding sources. In those situations the RTC will use its available reserves or issue bonds to cover the funding gap.
The RTC’s budgeting is an annual process that is presented to the public and approved by the RTC Board of Commissioners. The fiscal year 2025 budget was presented during the RTC Board Meeting May 23, 2024.
The fiscal year 2024 budget started on July 1, 2024 and ends on June 30, 2025.
Where our funding comes from
Funding sources
The RTC will take in $766.65 million in funding during FY 2024. The RTC’s largest funding source (40.4%) is sales tax, while funding collected from farebox revenue money accounts for only 9.2% of the agency’s funding.
View the chart below for a complete breakdown of the RTC’s funding sources.
Where our money is spent
Funding uses
The RTC’s operating budget pays for the contracted public transit service, capital projects, employee salaries, debt service and day-to-day operations, such as maintenance equipment, software, and other basic expenses that every business needs to operate efficiently. View the chart below for a complete breakdown of the RTC’s operating and capital outlay.
Capital outlay
Capital outlay is money spent to acquire, maintain, repair or upgrade capital assets, which can include vehicles, equipment, network hardware, computer software, roadway construction projects and others.
Transit operations budget
The RTC contracts transit service and security operations with private-sector companies. While the RTC owns all the vehicles, we do not operate or maintain them. During fiscal year 2024, the RTC has budgeted $316.3 million to cover all the operational expenses. The chart below provides a breakdown of the budget.
Online Document Library
Below you can view previous fiscal year budgets, financial statements, and audit reports.