Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
With funding support from the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD), the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) completed an update to the 2008 Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The 18-month long process kicked off in October 2015 and ran through spring 2017. The project team worked with four advisory groups consisting of local jurisdictions, other key stakeholders, and active users of the bicycle and pedestrian system. The Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan identifies regionally significant bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the urbanized areas of Clark County. The plan builds from the RTC Complete Streets Initiative and will be included as a component of the next update to the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The plan implements a major theme of the Southern Nevada Strong (SNS) Regional Plan: to increase transportation choices for residents and visitors.
The RTC adopted the final Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (RBPP) on May 8, 2017. Click below to download the final plan:
- Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (RBPP) (55MB)
- RBPP Appendices (9.5MB)
- RBPP Executive Summary – English (2MB)
- RBPP Executive Summary – Spanish (2MB)
- RBPP Existing and Proposed Facilities Map – PDF (2MB)
- RBPP Existing and Proposed Facilities Map – GIS Map Package (15MB, Requires ArcGIS to Open)
Background Documents
- RTC Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2008)
- SNHD-RTC Interlocal Contract (2015)
- SNHD-RTC Interlocal Contract Amendment
Other Bicycle and Pedestrian Documents
- Regional Bicycle Network Gap Analysis (2014)
- Complete Streets Design Guidelines for Livable Communities (2013)
- Southern Nevada Transportation Safety Plan (2015)
- Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts Study (2015)
- City of Henderson: Henderson Strong Comprehensive Plan Update
- City of Henderson Open Space and Trails Plan
- City of Las Vegas Mobility Master Plan
- City of Mesquite Bikeways Development Plan
- City of North Las Vegas Comprehensive Trails and Master Bikeways Plan
- Spencer Greenway Trail and UNLV Campus Bike Plan
- Henderson Master Bicycle and Trails Plan