Projects and Initiatives




Designated under federal law as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the RTC is responsible for overseeing the transportation planning process for Southern Nevada. In addition, the RTC directs funding generated from various local, state, and federal funds for transportation purposes.

The MPO is also designated as the core administrator of the Regional Plan, Southern Nevada Strong, through the Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition. In this role, the MPO supports the agencies that implement the plan and promotes the plan vision. For more information about the regional plan, go to

RTC MPO Project Status Reports

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Project Status Report (November  2024)
The UPWP Project Status Report identifies transportation-related planning activities scheduled.


Transportation & Regional Planning Committees

RTC Committees develop and make recommendations to the RTC Board on transportation and regional plans and studies, programs, funding, and more. The following standing committees, which meet through regularly scheduled public meetings, focus on transportation and regional planning.  

RTC Board and Committee meetings are open to the public and agendas are publicly noticed and posted. Meeting dates and locations are subject to change if circumstances warrant; final dates and locations are also publicly noticed. 

The public may also raise issues during citizen participation periods. Issues raised in this manner may be placed on a future meeting agenda.

Meets on the last Thursday of each month at 9:15 a.m. 

Purpose:  Makes recommendations related to non-personnel related administrative, planning, technical, transit, streets and highways funding, operational matters, and other items requested by the RTC Board. Receives recommendations from the Metropolitan Planning, Operations, and Specifications Subcommittees.

Representatives: RTC member entity planning and public works departments (director, manager, or senior-level staff) 

Learn more about the EAC Meeting

Meets on the second Tuesday of odd-numbered months at 9:00 a.m. 

Purpose: Considers transportation planning and programming issues.

Representatives: Senior staff representatives overseeing land use planning from each of the RTC member agencies, Nevada Department of Transportation, Clark County Department of Air Quality, Clark County Department of Aviation, Clark County School District, Bureau of Land Management, Southern Nevada Water Authority, and representatives from RTC mass transit contractors, urban goods/freight transportation, and taxicabs or private motor carriers

Learn more about the MPS Committee Meeting

Meets on the last Thursday of the first month of the quarter, or as needed

Purpose: Coordinates and supports plan implementation within individual organizations. Engages, educates and empowers member organization’s constituencies in Regional Plan implementation. The SNS Steering Committee assists RTC staff by providing insight and guidance on: 1) how Southern Nevada Strong can support his or her organization, and 2) region-wide activities and strategies Southern Nevada Strong can take to support implementation.

Representatives: Senior management representatives from each of the 13 regional partners and representatives from other community and special interests.

Learn more about the SNS Steering Committee

Contact Us

Contact us for more information, questions, or to request language translation or accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  

Phone: (702) 676-1500

Online: Submit a request

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