One team, one fight: How teamwork stopped a potential threat

2024-05-08T16:46:52-07:00| Categories: Blog, Safety| Tags: |

On January 16, 2024, an ordinary day could have taken a turn when a man was spotted brandishing a firearm aboard a bus. Three Marksman officers, Denman, Barnett, and McGinnies prepared for action, they responded promptly to the alarming situation. As they arrived on the scene, their training kicked in, and they wasted no time.

Commands were issued with authority, ensuring the cooperation of passengers and the subject. Behind the scenes, Central Dispatcher Shumpert, played a pivotal role that day providing live video feed from the bus to provide real-time support, enhancing the security response.

It was a true team effort, a seamless collaboration between law enforcement on the ground and support staff behind the scenes. Each member played a vital role, working together as a single unit to neutralize the threat and bring about a swift resolution.

In the face of adversity, unity prevailed. This incident serves as an important reminder of the importance of solidarity and collaboration in maintaining established security measures.

This event serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of teamwork in the face of adversity. When we come together, united in purpose, there is nothing we cannot overcome.

The following officers were awarded RTC’s Crystal Bus award, to recognize their brave efforts in keeping our community safe. Thank you, officers!

  • Seabrean Denman, Armed Rover
  • Steven McGinnies, North Area Commander
  • Tiesha Shupert, Armed Dispatcher
  • Jennifer Barnett, Assistant Account Manager

Watch the video below to see our heroic officers receive a surprise recognition by RTC’s Safety and Security Director, Tom A.!

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