Going beyond the call of duty

2024-05-08T16:47:49-07:00| Categories: Blog, Careers, Community, Safety| Tags: |

Every month, our team at RTC has the honor of spotlighting the unsung heroes from our incredible family of contractors who go the extra mile to keep our transit system running smoothly. Let's meet several employees who continuously work to keep our system safe.

Nakesha Henderson – Transdev Bus Operations Center Specialist

Meet Nakesha Henderson, Bus Operations Center Specialist with Transdev. She's not just a voice on the other end of the line, but she's also a beacon of support for our operators navigating the valley. From calming nerves to guiding lost operators, Nakesha handles it all with grace.

Operators describe her as the steady force that keeps everyone cool under pressure. A superhero in a headset, we can't express enough gratitude for Nakesha's unwavering support for transit operators!

Commander DeVaughn Smith, Officer Joshua Fisher, and Officer Qlveruiz Gorgezi – Marksman Security team

Commander DeVaughn Smith, Officer Joshua Fisher, and Officer Qlveruiz Gorgezi from the Marksman Security team proved that heroes don't always wear capes – sometimes, they wear security badges. During a late-night shift at the Bonneville Transit Center, these officers noticed an argument between three individuals and without hesitation, they leaped into action, de-escalated the situation, and removed the instigator from the property.

Thanks to their immediate response, passengers at the Bonneville Transit Center passengers were able to continue boarding safely.

A Round of Applause for our Contractors of the Month

These stories are just a glimpse into the everyday heroism from contracted team members. From the operators on the front lines to the security guardians patrolling our stations, every individual plays a pivotal role in creating a secure transit system.

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