What’s Next for Southern Nevada Strong?

2024-05-07T16:07:01-07:00| Categories: Southern Nevada Strong| Tags: |

Southern Nevada Strong (SNS) started over 10 years ago, and since its adoption as our Regional Policy Plan, Southern Nevada has gone through many changes. Because of all the growth our region has experienced, the SNS steering committee is bringing our communities together once again to update the plan based on our current and future needs.

To assess the needs of our region, we look to our community to provide us with insight into what is most important to your lives. Our team will be continuing to do a lot of community outreach to get feedback on some of our most urgent needs. This outreach will consist of 1:1 stakeholder interviews, housing roundtables, community leader focus groups, community surveys to understand housing preferences, and more.

Recent outreach activities have already uncovered a few critical needs that the Southern Nevada Strong Plan team will address in the upcoming plan update.

The first of these needs is taking an inventory of vacant and underutilized land in our communities – such as empty parking lots and decaying commercial centers – to support redevelopment and reinvestment in existing neighborhoods and communities. This inventory will help our community imagine the best location of quality homes, jobs, and public facilities that we need as we continue to grow.

The SNS team will also use scenario planning to study and compare the trade-offs of different types of growth for our community. This means we will get to plan and predict how continued growth, either within existing communities, on the fringe, or some combination, will serve our community best. The choices that we make in response to these exercises can help lower emissions, infrastructure costs, and water use as well as increase affordable housing in our community.

Our hope is that through the SNS plan update, Southern Nevada develops a shared and unifying vision for growth that strengthens all neighborhoods.

Click HERE to receive updates and opportunities to participate in upcoming community events regarding the SNS update.

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