What is on-demand transit? It’s shared, public transportation that bridges the gap between a traditional bus and ride-hailing services like taxi or Uber. There are no timetables, so a vehicle only comes if you request it. You can book your ride with an app or phone, and you may share a ride with others.
Why is it important? This service is most valuable in areas not served by traditional transit. It provides local neighborhood access to jobs, healthcare, healthy food and other critical services. On-demand transit can also connect riders to the full transit system, providing transportation access valley-wide.
Is this coming to Las Vegas? The RTC already operates RTC-OnDemand in West Henderson and the southwest valley. And thanks to grant funding from the Federal Transit Administration, options for more services around the valley were studied through the Southern Nevada HOPE Grant Study. While not yet funded, nine locations have been identified for potential future service.
Check out the full report and project details for more information.