Public Participation Plan2024-06-25T07:12:23-07:00
2022 PPP Header

What is the Public Participation Plan?

The Public Participation Plan is a document that outlines the policies, guidelines, and tools for including the public (that’s you!) into our transportation and transit planning processes here at the RTC.

The plan is used by RTC staff, partners, and project consultants to assist them with their public involvement efforts during different transportation and transit planning projects and programs. It sets a minimum baseline for involvement and offers tools and strategies for engaging with Southern Nevada’s diverse population.

As required by federal regulations for Metropolitan Planning Organizations, the plan also establishes the public participation process for the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

2022 Plan Update

The Public Participation Plan is updated at least every four years and was last updated in December 2022. Updates to the plan focus on ensuring we’re in compliance with the latest federal and state guidelines for public involvement. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on how well we have been engaging with the public and to incorporate any emerging tools and strategies that can help us increase public participation within our transportation and transit planning processes.

The 2022 plan update includes the following revisions to the plan:

  • New goals and outcomes to the plan to provide a little more clarity around what the plan will achieve and to help users of the plan understand how broad and inclusive outreach can benefit our community.
  • An evaluation commitment that will help us better understand how well the plan is being used along with updated evaluation goals and performance measures for assessing our public engagement processes.
  • Revised the federal and state regulations section to reflect new legislation and directives that have occurred since our last update, including language from the Justice40 Initiative, US DOT’s equity plan, and new policies and recommendations for virtual and remote engagement, stemming from revisions to Nevada’s Open Meeting Law.
  • Updated Best Practices for Engagement section with a variety of new strategies that can be effective for engaging with different demographic populations in the region.
  • Revisions to the administrative modifications threshold for the TIP amendment process, raising the minimum threshold to $5 million over the previous level.

Learn more about the plan

Watch the video to learn more about the public participation plan and how it’s used!
(Note, the public comment period is no longer active. In the interim, feedback and comments can be sent to Michelle Larime, contact info below.)

How can I learn more and participate in RTC transportation and transit planning?

  1. Go to RTC MPO planning studies and reports, which include links to planning project websites, online surveys, public meeting notices, and more.
  2. Go to RTC Transit, which includes announcements of any proposed schedule or route changes and upcoming public meetings.
  3. Access RTC Board and Committee meeting schedules and agendas and attend meetings, which include an opportunity for public comment.
  4. Connect with the RTC on social media through FacebookTwitterYouTubeInstagram, and LinkedIn.

Contact Us

Michelle Larime, Senior Regional Planner
[email protected]

Contact Us

Contact us for more information, questions, or to request language translation or accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  

Phone: (702) 676-1500

Online: Submit a request

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