Extreme Heat! How local governments are considering weather conditions for regional plans

2020-08-27T17:41:05-07:00| Categories: Blog| Tags: |

It’s to no surprise that Southern Nevada has been identified as one of the fastest warming regions in the U.S., and recent research indicates a substantial risk of heat-related deaths from the increasing number of extreme heat events in the valley. Despite the history of adverse health impacts associated with extreme heat in our region, experts hold that many of these outcomes are preventable. Our regional planning team is conducting research to:

  • Identify local demographic and environmental factors that increase vulnerability to extreme heat
  • Assess relevant data to pinpoint areas in Southern Nevada with high concentrations of at-risk populations
  • Identify targeted responses and interventions that could help save lives during extreme heat events

The goal is to provide this research to local governmental partners so our community can improve awareness of the extreme heat health risks and work together to respond to heat events.

The Southern Nevada Strong Regional Plan has three main recommendations to alleviate negative heat impacts including shaded transit stops, street landscape like trees in areas with high foot traffic, and development that incorporates features that provide a break from the heat.

In addition, we launch our Summer Heat campaign annually during the hottest months of the year to help keep riders safe from dangerous heat conditions. The Southern Nevada Health District recommends planning morning or evening activities, wearing light, loose fitting clothes, drinking plenty of water, among other helpful tips available on our website.

For additional information on this project, click here.

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