Projects and Initiatives

Southern Nevada Transportation Impacts on Health2024-07-25T15:59:45-07:00

Southern Nevada Transportation Impacts on Health

The region’s transportation system and suburban development are predominantly auto-oriented. However, mixed-use development, higher residential density, and people-oriented street networks are associated with more daily activity and exercise, better air quality, fewer pedestrian and bicycle crashes, and less chronic disease. Considering health impacts and equity during transportation planning may result in more livable communities and improved health.

Completed in partnership with the Southern Nevada Health District and UNLV School of Public Health, the study will:

  • Estimate health-related impacts, costs, and benefits attributed to Southern Nevada’s existing regional transportation system.
  • Integrate health outcomes into future regional transportation projects, plans, and programming.
  • Identify transportation-related health performance measures, baselines, and targets.
  • Increase community awareness of the connection between transportation, health, and equity.
  • Engage key stakeholders, including local residents, public health professionals, local government engineering and planning staff, and decision-makers.

Project Documents

Planning and Health Impacts Final Report (2/14/2022)
Performance Measures Final Report (2/14/2022)
Summary Final Report (2/14/2022)

Contact Us

For more information, please contact:

Deb Reardon
Principal Transportation Planner
[email protected] | 702-676-1721

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