Let's Go 2050: The RTC Regional Transportation Plan Update
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RTP Overview
The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) implements a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that reflects the needs of our community.
A key component of this planning process is the development of Let's Go 2050, the Regional Transportation Plan. This plan identifies our region's transportation investments over the next 20+ years.
Why this Matters
The plan includes all of our region's significant transportation investments through 2050. It includes projects like pedestrian and bicycle system improvements, upgrades to our transit system, roadway widening, and highway improvements. It is important that we accurately reflect our region's needs, as well as our desired vision for the future – and that's where we need your help.
As part of the plan update, RTC will be developing a regional vision, along with a set of goals. This provides a great opportunity for residents and stakeholders to Get Involved .
Get Involved!
Our first virtual public meeting was open through March 31 of 2024. Over 4,100 people participated in the online survey and provided input about transportation needs and priorities. You can provide comments any time by emailing us at [email protected] . Please check back regularly for additional opportunities to provide input throughout the planning process!
Project Schedule
RTC kicked off the plan update process in the fall of 2023, with an expected completion date of December 2024. Key milestones are outlined in the schedule graphic below.
Phase 1: September 2023 – March 2024
Develop plan vision and goals and assess regional transportation needs.
February/March 2024
Virtual public meeting, online survey, and community/grassroots events.
Phase 2: April – June 2024
Use scenario planning to evaluate alternatives and develop a draft list of projects.
Phase 3: July – December 2024
Present draft and final plan concepts to the public and stakeholders, and finalize the plan document.
October 2024
Host a virtual public meeting along with a public hearing/open house to seek comments on the draft plan.
December 2024
Plan completion and anticipated adoption by the RTC Board of Directors.
Nathan Goldberg, Manager of Transportation – RTC of Southern Nevada email: [email protected] | phone: (702) 228-7433