Projects and Initiatives

River Mountain Loop Trail Improvements Study2019-07-01T11:24:47-07:00

River Mountain Loop Trail Improvements Study

The RTC and City of Boulder City are conducting a planning study to develop a multimodal transportation plan connecting the River Mountains Loop Trail to the proposed new Nevada State Railroad Museum and Downtown Boulder City. The study will identify routes, amenities, design features, approximate costs, and phasing that will improve access, mobility, and safety for residents and visitors. 

RMLT Proposed System Plan

Project Schedule

The study is anticipated to be complete by June, 2019.

Contact us

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 702-676-1662
Fax: 702-676-1598
Mail: RTC, 600 S. Grand Central Parkway, Suite 350, Las Vegas, NV 89106, Attention: River Mountains Loop Trail Improvements Study

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