Projects and Initiatives

Clark County Rural Streets Study2019-06-20T15:41:47-07:00

Clark County Rural Streets Study

The Lone Mountain community, located in the northwest part of the Las Vegas Valley, is designated as a Rural Neighborhood Preservation (RNP) area, which regulates a lower density, rural character compared to more urban areas of the valley. The study area is bound by Clark County-215 Beltway to the north and west, Alexander Road to the south, and Durango Drive to the east.

The purpose of this study is to provide recommendations to improve mobility for all users (vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian, and equestrian) while balancing considerations from best practices in engineering design, benefits to the community, adopted plans, and community input.

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) is leading the Rural Streets Standards Study in collaboration with Clark County. The RTC contracted a consulting firm to help with community engagement and to develop proposed design solutions to accommodate all users while preserving the neighborhood character.

Study Area Map
June 2018 Project Schedule
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Mail: RTC, 600 S. Grand Central Parkway, Suite 350, Las Vegas, NV 89106, Attention: Clark County Rural Streets Study

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