WTS Nevada hits high note in empowering women’s careers in transportation

2024-05-25T12:08:42-07:00| Categories: Community|

In the heart of the bustling Big Easy, amidst the vibrant atmosphere of the annual member conference, the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Nevada Chapter stood out like a shining star among the 70 chapters and over 1,200 guests in attendance. It was a night of celebration and recognition as WTS Nevada was honored with a prestigious silver designation during the conference gala, marking a significant milestone in their journey towards excellence.

This year, the WTS Nevada Chapter has been on a mission—to forge powerful alliances and foster synergies with other titans of the industry. Collaborating with esteemed organizations such as the Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Association of Women in Construction, and the illustrious Society of Women Engineers, WTS Nevada has been instrumental in amplifying the voice of women in transportation and construction sectors, not just locally, but on a grand scale.

Fueled by a burning passion to revolutionize the transportation landscape, WTS Nevada is on a relentless quest to nurture the next generation of leaders in the field. Through numerous initiatives ranging from education, mentorship programs, scholarships, and networking events, they are sculpting a future where diversity and innovation reign supreme.

But their vision extends beyond the confines of the boardroom. As champions of community development, WTS Nevada has embarked on a noble mission to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. Teaming up with local women's shelter, the Shade Tree, they have launched a donation drive to collect professional and business casual clothing, hygiene supplies, non-perishable food items, and more. To learn more about the chapter’s community development project, visit the WTS Nevada Chapter Events webpage.

Interested in becoming a member? Joining WTS Nevada is easy! You simply create an account and select the appropriate membership dues.


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