Learn how to navigate a diverging diamond interchange

2023-03-09T18:23:13-08:00| Categories: Blog| Tags: |

You may have noticed a different traffic pattern while driving through Tropicana Avenue and I-15.

As part of the I-15/Tropicana project, the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) implemented a diverging diamond interchange (DDI) following the demolition of the north half of the Tropicana Avenue bridge.

What is a diverging diamond interchange? A DDI is a type of road intersection that allows for two directions of traffic on the same road to temporarily cross over to the opposite side of the road. This interchange is intended to improve traffic flow and safety by reducing conflict points and eliminating the need for turns across oncoming traffic.

When you cruise through the DDI on Tropicana Avenue and I-15, make sure you follow the lane markings that will guide you onto the opposite side of the road at the appropriate point. Once you are in those lanes on the opposite side of the road, you can make left turns or continue straight through the interchange without crossing over opposing traffic. To become more familiar with this interchange, check out NDOT’s new video:

The temporary DDI at Tropicana Avenue will be in place through mid-2024. NDOT encourages drivers to learn the movement ahead of time and pay special attention at the intersection.

For more information on the I-15/Tropicana project, visit i15trop.com.

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