U.S. Department of Transportation visits Charleston Boulevard to highlight RAISE grant

2023-08-17T18:14:21-07:00| Categories: Blog| Tags: |

Last week, we were treated to a special visit from U.S. Department of Transportation Assistant Secretary Christopher Coes, who wanted to see Charleston Boulevard firsthand and the potential improvements that could be made along the corridor thanks to a nearly $6 million grant.

Assistant Secretary Coes’ background is in land-use development and transit-oriented development (TOD). He shared his first-hand knowledge with RTC, county and city representatives of how transit can help transform a community through economic development opportunities.

Representatives from Nevada’s federal delegation, RTC board members, and local leaders joined Assistant Secretary Coes in a check presentation at the UNLV Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine in the heart of the Las Vegas Medical District. Following the event, attendees hopped on an RTC to tour a portion of Charleston Boulevard, which is currently undergoing a complete streets renovation. When completed, it will be safer and more comfortable for all users. The project will include widened sideways, buffered bike lanes, street trees and median landscaping, and more amenities for transit customers.

Route 206 Charleston is one of the busiest lines in the RTC system. More frequent and accessible service would make a significant difference to the estimated 20 percent of residents who live in households with zero to one vehicle along the corridor. We thank the U.S. DOT and our federal delegation for recognizing the importance of this project for our community!

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