New Blog Series: Southern Nevada Strong

2022-01-27T14:48:50-08:00| Categories: Blog| Tags: |

Since 2015, the RTC has been the administrator of the Southern Nevada’s Regional Plan: Southern Nevada Strong (SNS). As the administrator, the RTC supports partner agencies that implement SNS with research, technical assistance, ongoing convening and collaborations, and identifying funding for future activities. 

SNS was created to successfully manage growth and plan for the future of Southern Nevada. It envisions the region’s future inclusive of planning, creating, and sustaining neighborhoods where residents can access quality education, housing choices, good-paying jobs, and transportation options. SNS was developed with extensive input from the public and adopted by Southern Nevada’s local governments. Themes of the plan include:

  1. Improving Economic Competitiveness and Education
  2. Increasing Transportation Choices
  3. Investing in Complete Communities
  4. Building Capacity for Implementation

New to the RTC Blog will be a monthly highlight of SNS-related projects and successful implementation stories from RTC staff and partners. This monthly SNS feature will replace the quarterly SNS e-newsletter that began in 2016 (You can still find the archived newsletters here).

Over the past few years, the team has developed resources that aim to assist community partners participate in implementation of the SNS Plan. Take a look at some of the projects that we have completed and will continue to work on in the coming year:

Community Engagement Toolkit – Collection of resources, tips, and tricks for improving public participation and community engagement – both in-person and online/virtual. Includes the Community Data Map where you can look at census data mapped across the valley.

Federal Grants Competitiveness – A regionally-focused strategy for improving grant capacity and competitiveness, as well as videos from a four-part workshop series aimed at better equipping agencies and nonprofits to secure federal grants.

Regional Housing Inventory – To better understand Southern Nevada’s housing needs and inform current and future policies and planning efforts, this assessment examines the healthy balance between jobs and housing, current affordability and future needs, as well as the diversity of existing housing types.

Regional Sustainability Planning Tools & Techniques – To help inform future sustainability planning in Southern Nevada, this report shares ways that other communities plan for climate-related challenges.

Southern Nevada Extreme Heat Vulnerability Analysis – A report and map that identifies areas in the region where populations are most vulnerable to extreme heat.

Can’t wait for the next SNS story? Visit to learn more in the meantime.

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