How to keep cycling fun and safe for everyone on the road

2024-08-08T16:04:36-07:00| Categories: Cycling, Featured|

Cycling is on the rise in Southern Nevada, with people using bikes for transportation, exercise, and fun. Because of the rising popularity of cycling, ensuring that everyone is aware of the best ways to stay safe is incredibly important.

Being safe while on the road is a responsibility shared by both people driving cars and people riding bikes, so what should you do to stay safe?

For drivers, the best way you can ensure safety for everyone on the road is to know where to look for people on bikes. Some tips to ensure safety are making sure that you check your blind spots regularly and either change lanes or give a minimum of three feet between the person riding a bike and your car while passing.

For people riding bikes, some ways to ensure you stay safe are to always wear a properly fitting helmet, making sure that you stay visible to drivers around you, and making predictable movements on the road instead of quickly swerving around.

Check out even more safety tips from the Southern Nevada Bicycle Coalition, or from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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