We are proud to be partnering with the Urban Chamber once again for ‘Contract Connections’ as part of the upcoming United for Infrastructure week (September 14-21). The event helps prepare small and diverse local companies do business with public agencies.
Most recently, the RTC's very own Tonita Brown with the Purchasing and Contracts Department, and Joe Damiani with Streets & Highways, were featured guests on the Urban Chamber of Commerce’s Commerce First Radio Show on Power 88 KCEP. The conversation centered on the unique opportunity provided by Contract Connections to get one-on-one meetings with partner agencies.
“The RTC gets involved with Contract Connections to assist small and diverse business by reviewing their capabilities statement and giving them feedback. In addition, we give them direction on how to hone in and market the services they can provide to contractors. We need to know what they do well,” said Tonita during the radio interview. This advice came to bear fruit with G3 Electrical, a local small and diverse business featured in a previous blog story. Tiesha Moore, G3 Electrical's President, said, “The one-on-one with the RTC made us go back to the drawing board. We had to sharpen our skills to be more presentable to prime contractors.”
Joe gave the listening audience advice on how to locate procurement opportunities. “Follow the RTC schedule on our website. Make sure that you (the subcontractor) attend pre-bid meetings and pay attention to when projects are in the design phase,” Joe said. “Small and diverse minority contractors usually miss opportunities because they are too late to the process.” He added that this area is where the small business owner can build relationships with larger contractors.
Contract Connections is a three-part event culminating on Thursday, September 17 with the one-on-one meetings, in which the RTC’s Purchasing team will participate as mentors.