Being productive on transit

2024-06-20T17:18:16-07:00| Categories: Featured, Transit| Tags: |

Wish you had more time in the day? You could if you used transit and let someone else do the driving!

In addition to getting some free time, utilizing transit for your commute means you’ll spend less money on gas, decrease the amount of wear and tear on your vehicle, help the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and get a few more steps in your day when walking to the bus stop.

How can you make the most of your time? We’ve got some suggestions.

  • Take advantage of the FREE Wi-Fi offered on all RTC buses.
  • Organize your to-do list for the day and get a start on office or school work.
  • Catch up on e-mails and text messages.
  • Grab a good book, and catch up on your reading.
  • Listen to a podcast or audio book – with your headphones or earbuds, of course!
  • Give your brain a workout with a puzzle like a crossword or sudoku.
  • Engage in a craft like knitting or crocheting.
  • Get some exercise by getting off the bus a few stops early and taking a walk.
  • Relax and embrace the moment! Life is hectic and there are very few times when we can truly relax without distractions.

If you’re ready to give RTC transit a try, visit our website and get all the info you’ll need for your journey.

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