Back to school road safety

2022-08-11T13:35:29-07:00| Categories: Blog| Tags: |

Can you hear that? It’s the sound of students zipping up their backpacks and heading out the door for the start of the new school year!

Monday, Aug. 8 marks the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year for Clark County School District (CCSD). This means an increase in traffic as students begin their morning commutes to class. There are a variety of ways to get to school. Whether students are walking, biking, or catching a ride with their parents or the bus, it does not hurt to brush up on road safety tips to ensure a successful and safe arrival before the bell rings.


  1. Before the first day, take some time to conduct a test trip. You will be able to pinpoint any areas that may be dangerous and make accommodations.
  2. Always cross at the designated crosswalk, making sure to pay attention to the instructions of the crossing guard.
  3. Stay alert while crossing the street. Avoid texting, listening to music, or any activities that may distract you from surrounding traffic.
  4. If possible, walk with a friend and avoid using shortcuts unfamiliar to you.

Riding the school bus:

  1. Stay out of the danger zone! CCSD describes the school bus danger zone as the 10-foot area around the school bus where the bus driver cannot see passengers.
  2. Before exiting the bus, wait for the driver’s approval. School buses need to turn on their red flashing lights to signal incoming traffic to stop.
  3. Make eye contact with the driver before crossing the street. Cross in front of the bus while remaining 10 feet away in order to remain visible to the driver.
  4. Never walk behind a bus.

Riding public transit:

  1. Plan your trip ahead of time. You can do so by downloading the rideRTC app that allows you to plan your trip, get arrival information about routes and bus stops, and purchase passes. Take the time to plan your route before the first day of classes to ensure on-time arrival.
  2. Use designated crosswalks and sidewalks to reach the bus stop. Stand 2-3 feet from the curb and wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching the vehicle.
  3. When boarding the bus, check the vehicle header sign for the route number and direction. You want to make sure you are on the correct route to reach your destination.
  4. Before exiting the bus, double check your area to make sure you are not leaving anything behind. You wouldn’t want to show up to class with your homework missing! Wait for the bus to make a complete stop before stepping off onto the sidewalk.

Safety tips for drivers:

  1. Slow down and plan for extra travel time. Back to school time means school zone speed limits are back in action. Take the time to slow down to the appropriate speed to stop and yield to pedestrians.
  2. Do not drive distracted. Stay off your phone and keep your eyes on the road at all times. Drop-off and pick-up times are peak traffic hours that involve students crossing the street.
  3. Never pass a stopped school bus. Treat yellow flashing lights the same way you would at a stop light. Start lowering your speed and prepare to make a full stop.  


Whenever you see the alternating flashing red lights on a school bus, you must stop if you are on a two-lane roadway.

or you are on a multiple-lane roadway and you are traveling in the same direction as the bus

For more information on how to stay safe during back-to-school season, check out this safety video from CCSD’s Transportation Department. Safe travels!

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