Maryland Parkway Environment Assessment2021-09-29T17:06:49-07:00

Maryland Parkway is a vital corridor for the Las Vegas Valley, extending from McCarran International Airport to downtown Las Vegas, and connecting many high-activity centers, such as University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), The Boulevard Mall, Sunrise Hospital, as well as commercial and residential areas. Investments in transportation infrastructure could improve mobility along the corridor for motorists, transit riders, bicyclists and pedestrians and enhance access to the surrounding areas.

The Maryland Parkway environmental assessment was completed in 2019. The RTC Board of Directors voted to move forward with the less expensive bus rapid transit option in April. The Federal Transit Administration issued the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in December 2019. The project will move forward with submitting an application for federal funding in 2020.

Bus Rapid Transit

Transit Technology Options Previously Considered

Route 109
Route 109
BRT Build
LRT Build
Ridership (opening year) 9,000 10,000 13,000 16,100
Average travel time (min) 45 min 44 min 38 min 32 min
Capital cost (YOE $) $15M $29M $335M $750M
Operating & maintenance costs $5.9M $6.8M $7.2M $11.5M
Operating & maintenance costs per boarding $2.19 $2.27 $1.80 $2.38
Enhance Route 109


Enhanced Route 109

Vehicle Size   60 ft articulated bus
Capacity   90 passengers per vehicle
Station Spacing   1/3 – mile spacing
Configuration   Mixed with traffic
Capital Costs   $29 million
Operating & Maintenance Costs   $6.8 million
Bus Rapid Transit


Bus Rapid Transit

Vehicle Size  60 ft articulated bus
Capacity  90 passengers per vehicle
Station Spacing  1/3 – mile spacing
Configuration  In-street with dedicated lanes
Capital Costs  $335 million
Operating & Maintenance Costs  $7.2 million


Light Rail

Vehicle Size  91 ft single unit train
Capacity   140 passengers per vehicle
Station Spacing   1/3 – mile spacing
Configuration   In-street with dedicated lanes
Capital Costs   $750 million
Operating & Maintenance Costs   $11.5 million

Recap from Public Meetings

Meeting Recap PhotoAs part of a public comment period, the RTC reached out to the community to hear firsthand from the people who live and work in and around Maryland Parkway about how they want to travel – specifically discussing three options: enhancing the current bus service (Route 109), implementing bus rapid transit service or building light rail.

Questions from attendees ran the gamut. From project costs and projected economic development to maintaining travel lanes and improving pedestrian safety, the meetings enabled attendees to better understand the benefits and impacts of the three options.

“We’ve had extensive support and excitement around the light rail concept but any improvement would be awesome,” said Timo Kuusela, general manager of The Boulevard Mall, located in the heart of Maryland Parkway and where the RTC held one of its meetings.

At the public meeting held at the Fifth Street School, one resident expressed significant concerns regarding pedestrian safety, especially for students at UNLV, and proposed overhead pedestrian bridges be considered as part of the plan.

At the end of the public comment period, the local preferred alternative was the light rail option. However, after thorough consideration, the RTC Board of Commissioners voted to move forward with the less expensive, bus rapid transit option in April 2019.  

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