Here’s how we got there

The two-tiered evaluation process

To build a mobility plan uniquely Las Vegas, TIBP working groups undertook a comprehensive two-tiered evaluation process.

  • During the Tier 1 analysis, they examined the mobility areas most critical to address, including the travel corridors that currently bear the greatest demand and the mobility bottlenecks that most affect the free flow of people and goods. 
  • In Tier 2, the TIBP consulting team reviewed available travel demand data from transportation providers, existing studies of roadway conditions, transit ridership surveys, household travel surveys, the 2013 RTC Travel Demand and other statistics to identify a range of potential solutions for each mobility focus area.
  • The overall solutions identified encompass high-capacity transit, surface street, freeway and pedestrian improvements, in addition to public policy actions to support the most effective use of existing infrastructure.  Properly addressing connectivity within a particular mobility focus area involved identifying and compiling solutions from two or more of these categories.
  • For transit solutions in particular, a rigorous process was undertaken to assess various modes and technologies to determine how effective they would be in addressing each mobility focus area. 
  • This led the TIBP working groups to recommend those transit solutions most appropriate to the specific needs within each mobility area, as well as those most likely to serve the region’s comprehensive needs now and in the future.